Digital Esoterism or To be a witch in the age of Surveillance Capitalism, 2021

Digital Esoterism or To be a witch in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Inquiry- Editorial

Digital Esoterism delves into how divination tools can help reclaim agency over the realm of Big data, that operating in the spirit of Surveillance Capitalism, turned into a magical entity that predicts -and programs- the future. Reaching into the origin of divination can change the way we perceive modern predictive systems, exposing the structures which often, without our consent and knowledge, guide our choices and actions.

The thesis and editorial project was the result of  year-long research in the MA Social Design department at Design Academy Eindhoven. Digital Esoterism received the Best Thesis Award of the Social Design Department, 2021.

-N. of pages: 179
-Dimension: 110 mm x 200 mm 
-Printed at: Legatoria Rumori, Rome (IT)